Addressing climate change through international human rights law: From...
Addressing climate change through international human rights law: From (extra) territoriality to common concern of humankind Bellinkx, Vincent; Casalin, Deborah; Scholtz, Werner International human...
View ArticleClimate adaptation planning for resilient and sustainable cities:...
Climate adaptation planning for resilient and sustainable cities: Perspectives from the City of Rotterdam (Netherlands) and the City of Antwerp (Belgium) Berg, Angela van der Climate adaptation...
View ArticleHorizontality and housing rights protection against private evictions from a...
Horizontality and housing rights protection against private evictions from a European and South African perspective Fick, Sarah; Vols, Michel In the recent decision of fjm v. the United Kingdom, the...
View ArticleOrigins, relevance and prospects of federalism and decentralization in the...
Origins, relevance and prospects of federalism and decentralization in the horn of Africa Fessha, Yonatan T.; Dessalegn, Beza The Horn of Africa is the most conflict-ridden region in the African...
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